
Dec 2, 2012

How I Earned $740 and Created 203 Back Links From Unique Visitors

Everyone wants them, but very few really know how it is done. Unique, targeted visitors to your website are worth their weight in gold, but you have to get them to your website first! If you are looking for a way to snag a few ready-to-buy visitors to your website, it can be done and it is much easier than you might have expected. Discover my formula for getting unique visitors to your websites, no matter how hopeless you are feeling you think it may be to do this.

Here is my story. Like everyone else I struggled for years to get enough unique visitors to my website in order to earn a few dollars. It was frustrating, to say the least. I tried everything, including buying traffic from so-called traffic brokers. I hate to admit it, but I am sure now that all I did was wasted my money.

Anyway, about a year ago, I created my first Squidoo lens. I am still not sure why I created it, except that it was a nice challenge to actually build the page and to see if I could get people to look at it and leave comments. Then it happened! Almost by accident I started getting people to not just come by and look at my lens, but they were buying the affiliate product I was selling. In fact, they were going for the upsell version of the product which earned me a commission of $50.00 instead of the basic one which only paid $35.00.

Now, I said it happened almost by accident but that is not quite true. What is true is that I did not know why it was happening at the time. One thing is sure however, I had stumbled upon a formula that would not only bring me unique visitors, but those visitors were also targeted as well. So, I had the task of retracing my steps in order to piece together what I had done previously, and why it actually worked. It was hilarious! This is what happened.

First of all, my Squidoo lens really helped me get visitors. Squidoo is what people refer to as a Web 2.0 type of website. It is interactive, easy to build, and most importantly, the search engines love Squidoo. I believe it is much easier to get your Squidoo webpage ranked on say, Google or Yahoo, than a regular website. But that is conjecture. I am certainly no expert on this.

Anyway, my Squidoo lens really helped to bring in unique visitors from the search engines. I know that to be a fact because I am able to track that information on a daily basis. The next thing I did, which really was the spark behind my success with this affiliate program, was the fact that I wrote and submitted articles to one of the most popular article directories online, EzineArticles.

This was a smasher! Of the forty plus articles I submitted to this directory, plus a number of others articles to the top 6 directories on the web, approximately 10 articles had links coming back to this specific Squidoo lens. The last time I checked, I had over 203 links from 91 unique domains coming into my lens, and it is not even ranked in the top 100 of its category. If you have a Squidoo lens, you can easily check this information by going to the free website, and looking for back-links checker.

Looking back, I can state without much fear of contradiction, that my success with this affiliate program which allowed me to sell over 15 of these memberships, was a direct result of sending out quality articles that pointed back to my Squidoo lens. Every article was personally written and unique. I also focused on two types of keywords; those that had the name of the product, and those that had very little competition. To lure unique visitors to your website, you just have to have quality content that they want to see, based on their needs. You can only gauge their needs by the keywords that you use.

But everything has a cycle, so sales are not as robust as they were before. Nevertheless, the principle of using unique content to send targeted, unique visitors to your website still remains effective. I am convinced that this is a proven formula for success on the Internet. but most importantly, it is free for anyone to use.

Anthony Chambers is an expert writer and marketer with an eye for the unusual marketing strategies that bring results. Are you struggling to find unique visitors to your website? Get free traffic tools and tips at: Get Unique Visitors.

Discover new ideas weekly at this: Terrific Business Ideas blog.

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