
Nov 17, 2012

Unique Tattoo Removal - What Happens If a Unique Tattoo is No Longer Unique

Nothing may more quickly send you searching for a tattoo removal cream or gel, a dermatologist armed with a laser, or a tattoo removal technician with a scraper, than discovering your unique tattoo on someone else. You were certain no one else had one exactly like it! Ergo, UNIQUE tattoo.

Imagine you've seen one too many women cross their legs revealing an ankle with the same design the tattoo artist insisted was one-of-a-kind and perfect for a lady like you. You want that supposedly unique tattoo removed!

Guys, a rope tattoo seemed unique until every dude at the gym got one. You want out of that fraternity and into the options for removal of a no-longer-unique tattoo.

A tattoo is personal, as with any art form. The old saying, "I may not know art but I know what I like," explains copycat ink. Someone sees your unique tattoo, describes it to an artist or sketches it for him, and suddenly your original gets copied.

You have options for tattoo removal, although not as many as the number of designs for allegedly "unique tattoos" being sold.

The least expensive, but effective and private way to nix a (not) unique tattoo requires a topical tattoo removal cream or gel. You repeatedly apply it to the tattoo, and over time the art fades. Women often just want to reach the point that a little makeup covers the less-than-unique tattoo.

Men or women frequently want more complete fading, especially if what makes the tattoo unique is a unique name of a former lover.

Your tattoo is no loner unique, but many tattoo removal creams and gels are often unique, proprietary formulas. None should promise fast results. Removing a unique tattoo or a common design takes time, repeated treatments, and patience. The lighter the result the more time you should allow. It can take up to a year to downsize that tat. Why?

Tattoo ink runs deep; well into several layers of skin below the surface.

Topical, at-home tattoo removal creams and gels bring to the surface your previously unique tat ink, taking advantage of the human ability to shed skin cells and make new ones. Of course, the body doesn't care if the cells once formed a unique tattoo. Topical removers often work best accompanied by a little light rubbing on the surface with an exfoliating pad or device to encourage new cell growth.

It will also take several applications of a tattoo removal cream or gel to banish that unique tat. Topical tattoo solutions remove the top layers of the skin while preventing new layers of skin from developing pigment. Over time the tattooed layers of skin get closer to the skin's surface and eventually appear faded or erased depending on the depth of the colors and the size of the tattoo.

Laser tattoo removal also requires repeated sessions, at several hundred dollars a pop. Given the time it takes to remove a tattoo, some people decide the price of uniqueness is steep. A laser burns deep into the layers of skin to dissolve the ink for elimination. The invasive nature of the procedure hurts in a way getting the tattoo did not. A local anesthetic makes the laser blasts tolerable.

Last, but not the least expensive, is dermabrasion. A technician scrapes away skin layers, not-so-gently encouraging new cells to replace the inked cells. You will want an anesthetic if you choose to abrade what the French call pas tatouage unique: (literally, "not unique tattoo"). It may sound better in French, but it still hurts.

In any language, you have options for saying fini to that once unique tat: tattoo removal using creams or gels, laser tattoo removal, or dermabrasion.

John Sate is interested in writing about alternative solutions to problems. John suggests learning more about the topical tattoo remover Tat-Med. For more information, please visit the TatMed blog.

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