
Nov 16, 2012

Unique Gifts -- Make Any Gift That You Give A Unique Gift

So you want to find some unique gifts, do you? That is all well and good, but where should you start? How do you even begin shopping for unique gifts? What price range should you spend on a gift? Should you buy something new or old, big or small, useful or decorative? There are so many possibilities! Where should you begin?

It is possible to find such a wide variety of unique gifts, especially if you shop online. You can find auto parts to vintage cars, baseball cards from decades ago, dolls with taffeta dresses, tables shaped like elephants, broken teeth - but just because you can find these things, and just because they are unique, it does not mean that they will make great gifts for that certain someone you hope to please. So, how do you find a unique gift?

My first piece of advice is to stop thinking about the gift itself, and start thinking about the recipient. The characteristics of the recipient should dictate what to look for.

No doubt, the person that you want to give a gift to is very unique him/herself. No doubt, that is why you are trying to find a unique gift for this person. It can be hard to come up with the perfect gift for a person - it is a talent that many of us lack. But that does not mean that it is not something that you can improve upon.

First of all, if you really want to find that unique gift, that personalized gift, you need to think of what this person really likes. What sets this person apart from others? If this person really enjoys swimming, you could consider getting him or her a pair of goggles... or you could take it one step farther and get him or her a personalized swim cap... one step even farther, and you could give the goggles, the personalized swim cap, and a membership to the local pool.

If you know that this person loves to play cards, you could get him or her a deck of playing cards... or you could take it one step farther and get this person a deck of cards with a photograph from a trip you took together... one step even farther, and you could throw a Las Vegas themed party, completely with card tables and dealers.

Personalizing anything can really give it that special touch. And with the popularity of digital photographs, it is very possible to find and create unique gifts online. There are quite a few online stores that can take one or more of your photographs and decorate a mug with it, create a calendar, a tree ornament, or any of a number of other possibilities.

A gift does not need to personalized with a name or a picture just to make it a great and unique gift. You can buy a gift that completes someone's dish collection or GI Joe collection or whatever. This kind of unique gifts are very likely much easier to find online than in any store. Maybe you could even find a replica of a dollhouse that someone had as a child, a favorite 1st edition children's book, a signed copy of a favorite book, something that corresponds with an inside joke that only you two know, etc.

Whatever sort of unique gifts online you are trying to find, you first need to figure out what makes that certain someone special and unique - what sort of unique gift would he or she really appreciate?

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on great gifts, please visit Unique Gifts [].

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