
Nov 23, 2012

Unique Birthday Gifts That Generate Leads

Unique birthday gifts that you buy for their uniqueness are only unique until someone copies it and start to mass produce it. The one thing that will always be unique though and that cannot be copied is the recipient of your gift.

I belief in getting as much return on the money that I spend because it took my time, effort and thinking to generate it in the first place and because coffee is loved and enjoyed by most people of all ages I use coffee as my gifting theme and I make the receiver of my gift the centre of my thoughts to create unique birthday gifts.

This method works because every time for years to come when the recipient of my gifts enjoy coffee anywhere, anyplace with any other person, I linger in their minds and hundreds of times that is the exact moment when I receive a call saying, I am having coffee with (persons name) and they would like to see you in connection with (my Business) please take the number and make an appointment.

What has just happened is that people that appreciate the quality of my service are marketing for me at no extra costs and they are proud to recommend me, but people are forgetful and I use coffee as my trigger in their minds that gives me my rightful place, to be the first to receive the lead.

This is what I do

I make short notes about the person that I want to give a unique birthday gift to, such us what I enjoy about them, how they make me laugh and if possible a moment of weakness where they helped and supported me, because it makes people feel great when they know they have value and that there strength made a difference in another persons life.
I find a quote or a saying that confirm the above.
I look up a personality description of an essential oil that blends in with my previous steps I use books written by Valerie Ann Worwood because she knows so much about essential oils and she gives you everything worth knowing. Essential oils are very much like humans each are unique. You of course may use star signs or the Chinese horoscope or all of these ideas.
Gourmet coffee flavors are the next step on my list I buy flavors that compliments some of the above characteristics.
I buy a one cup coffee maker that can make a variety of hot beverages to give maximum use and of course to give myself maximum exposure. Every time the coffee maker is used I get remembered.
Armed with all this information I make a unique gift basket, that is unique to the person that will receive my gift. I even wrap it accordingly, for an earthy person I will use earthy colors, but you will know exactly what to do, to really turn out unique birthday gifts after you have done some research on the person.

The greatness of my system is that I only do the research once and then I file it so that I can use it repeatedly and vary my gift basket with handmade gifts such as coffee coasters in mosaic or a hand painted coffee tray.

Coffee offers you such an immense variety of commodities that you will never run out of ideas or possibilities to create unique birthday gifts for every person you know. Once your system is in place you can even hand the task over to a staff member so that you can sign the contracts that your lead generating system is producing.

I have always found it so much easier to better my sales targets when people who enjoy and like me, recommend my services to their family, friends and business associates. I hardly do any selling it has been done for me; I just sign the order and deliver the goods. I sincerely wish you the same success. Visit me at [] for more free information on this powerful lead generation system.

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