
Nov 7, 2012

How Video Conferencing Will Change the World

The biggest change to our world as a result of video conferencing is it reduces the cost of traveling. Now you save both time and money by choosing to conduct business with video. No longer do you have to fly off somewhere to have a meeting when you can do all that in a conference room or your home. This can also be used by law enforcement to get the testimony of a witness, to teach students who are enrolled in distance education and a lot more.

Video conferencing allows you to connect instantly and easily with people all over the world. You can connect with customers and clients on the other side of the world in a heartbeat. You could get on a video conference, demonstrate your products and make a sale to someone living on the opposite end of the earth all from the comfort of your home or office. You can make formal presentations to a large number of people or you can have a less formal chat with just a few people.

Having a video conference also allows you to connect with family and friends who live across the country or across the world. If getting together with family or friends who live far away is difficult, video conferencing gives you a great way to feel more personally connected even if you can't meet in person.

This is going to change the world because it opens the doors to more opportunities and is capable of producing great results. On a video conference you can share documents, chat, display your computer screen, give presentations or create and collaborate using whiteboards.

Using this technology is great because it not only saves money but it also increases productivity. At the same time it builds relationships because it breaks down boundaries caused by distance and time zones. Video conferencing really is a powerful tool that is changing the way we do business and it just keeps getting better.

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