
Nov 11, 2012

Coaching Tools Change Your Thinking To Grow Your Coaching Revenue

An effect person believes that their lives and business are controlled by things outside themselves. Effect give away their power to make positive change by believing that they can not effect an given situation.

The truth is the only thing anyone really can change is how they respond to what happens around them. You always have choices and opportunities even when things look grim.

Pay Attention to Your Thoughts

You manifest your thoughts good or bad. You create more of anything you give your focus and attention to. You are what you think. You have probably heard one of these statements before. Have you ever given thought to what it really means and how it works in your life?

Thought and attention sound pretty straight forward but they can be very tricky because they happen in our minds and our ego is involved. We are using our thinking and our attention all the time yet we are seldom aware of what we are actually saying to ourselves. Most people do not have much control over their thought or where they place their attention and the result of this is the results they get seem random or situational.

Thoughts plus Action Equal Results

If your business is not doing as well as you would like it to be then odds are you are lacking a defined goal. Once you have established your goal you need two key elements to achieve your goal, a date and a strategic plan. It would be nice if we could wish things into happening but the truth is that we must establish a time frame and take action if we want to reach our goals.

When you focus on what you want to happen and what does work you will find ways to change the things that are not working now.

This holds true for your business and every other aspect of your life. Life does not always work out just the way we want it to and some things work better than others. Change the things you can and accept the things you cannot change.

The one thing you can always change is how you respond to any situation. By setting goals with established time frames you will be heading toward positive outcomes.

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