
Nov 7, 2012

Change Management

The three principals of change that I think are most important when managing change is:

1.Change only happens when each person makes a decision to implement the change.

2.A clearly defined vision of the end result enables all the people to define the most efficient path for accomplishing the results.

3.To change the individual, change the system.

In an organization change can only be implemented when each person in the organization takes responsibility and accept to assimilate the new way of doing things. Effective management of change will be more effective when one see the importance and the impact that change will bring to them as individual and overall organization. It is o paramount important when individuals realize whether change is going to make them be more effective and reliable resources in the organization, without this they can be very reluctant adopting new change(John Kotters,1995)

A clearly defined vision by the organization will help employees and subordinate staffs to embrace change in a positive way as they will have clear direction of what and where they want to be as an organization. When organization goals are clear people will be more willing to support any idea that will make them to be SMART in their organization (Hammer & Champy).

For a change to be felt in organization management team that is concerned with introduction and implementation of change, must come with a procedure where they will not force individuals to comply with new changes. If you force change in people problems always arises. It is necessary to know how change will affect your employees and therefore, changing the system on which your company operates will be of great help. Changing the system will create an environment that will enable the employees to adopt to change without creating hard time during the change process (Peter Grazier, 1996)

Techniques of managing change.

Behavioral change technique- this is where managers examines the way the employees behaves when new change is introduced. By doing this he/she will be able to approach different individuals in the most appropriate manner to communicate the need of change to them.

Team motivation is another technique that can be used to manage change is through team motivation, a manager realizes that workers bring their own individual levels of motivation to work place and they tend to collaborate as a team. By introducing change to them as a group they can recollect very quick.

Introducing change as a mentor can help manage change to employees. One needs to understand that when you introduce change and yourself not ready to accept that change it will be difficult to change others. It is therefore important that implementers of change be the role model to people who they want to change (Philiph Albon).

Participation. Another technique that is effective in managing change in an organization is involving all departments during the decision making on changes that will be employed. By doing these, every aspect of change that will be tabled will be analyzed critically and no one in organization as a result no one will feel oppressed.

By creating simple flexible solutions will help everyone in the organization to assimilate and learn change quickly. Also organization will utilize their resources effectively as they will not require to train their employees.

Effective management of emerging challenges and opportunities is also another way of managing change in organization, whereby coaching and mentoring individuals gain competence in their work and therefore can effectively handle change (Colin Coulson-Thomas).

The author Linda Miller has academic writing experience of over ten years. She holds a PHD in education from Harvard. She has been assisting students in writing professional academic papers including thesis, dissertations, research papers and term papers.

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