
Nov 13, 2012

Car Donation - How It Can Change Yours and Other Peoples Lives

This refugee shelter was very kind to her. She immediately got out of her depression. Her self-esteem slowly improved. She began to look for a job. She managed to attend self motivation courses during evenings. Then she received some business attire from donors plus a pair of shoes.

Luck seemed to come her way and she landed with a best job that she ever had. So with a revived zest for life, she worked as earnest as she can. She worked so hard that soon she was able to purchase her own house and was able to build her own business from scratch. She is now an owner of a thriving copy shop while now supporting and helping pick up donations for the very same shelter for battered women that helped her recover.

With a simple donation a woman's life changed dramatically. What more if you donate a much bigger contribution? Your generosity can return to you at hundred folds. So donate now and reach out to the needy people that needs your help. Be a light to souls whose only hope is you.

You don't need to give money so that you can donate in a big way. If you have a spare car that doesn't match with you lifestyle anymore, what you can do is donate it to charity. If you have a junk car just lying around somewhere on your garage, car charities can accept those too. Rather than let just stay there to rot, better give to a charity who can make better use of it. They might be able to fix it and give it to a family that needs it. A number of car donation charity accepts even vehicles that is not working or running anymore. Some can even tow it for free. You only need to call them up. Visit their site online and simple fill out their donation form.

Oh, and you also get a nice tax deduction for it. How about that? But the greatest thing about donation is ofcourse being able to help others rise from their miseries and help them to move on with their lives.

Cars4Causes is committed to getting you the highest tax deduction value from your vehicle donation and the most money for your charitable contributions. Know more about how you can help and make a car donation today. Check out Cars4Causes and learn how to donate car and help peoples causes.

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