They are young, famous, rich, and beautiful, although many say if actually Sound the KPOP star was standard / mediocre, and just flaunt or smooth body, hehehe ...
Just flaunt?? mean looks cantiikk bangett doong?? * Envy *
or perhaps, the body muluss really so?? * Jealous again *
I actually like what KPOP artist original face without make-up??
Here are 10 faces KPOP original artist before grooming
1. Bae Suzy. (Personnel: MISS A)
BEFORE: Cute exactly, but guns are very pretty ones, the standard is, cakepan Ayu Ting-Ting, hehe ..
AFTER: Overview o f similar artists such as Indonesia MAGDALENA yaa ..
2. Dara Park (Personnel: 2NE1)
BEFORE: ahahaha .. it's the same 11 12-Enci Enci driveway material, * no offense *
AFTER: Beautiful really, anti-storm lashes ala Syahrini also yaa .. SOMETHING very yaa ..
BEFORE: This cakepan even before the make-up (think tablets) natural beautiful
AFTER: why abis grooming her hair so curly yaa ... but still graceful tablets, eh .. btw she's already dead suicide know ..
BEFORE: regular aja tuh, ga-cute very cute, face many kinds beginian school friend gw
AFTER: wuaahhh .. so pretty yaa .. her pale lips so s exy with lipstick
5. Seohyun (Personnel: SNSD)
BEFORE: aha! bangettt innocent face .. natural, pretty well anyway ..
AFTER: Whuaaa ... so pretty like Raisa Andriana! Weve expensive powder guns lie!
6. Moon Geun Young (Love Me Not)
BEFORE: hmm .. It also beauty without make-up. lucuuu ... ya think still under
AFTER: funny guns malah didandanin lagii
BEFORE: wwkkwkwk .. face-Mother Mother!
AFTER: wuidihh .. so gorgeous really like Sarah Azhari yaa ...
BEFORE: that's so cute without make up! eyes wide and clear.
AFTER: after didandanin seem more mature yahh ..
BEFORE: aja usual, my level equal SINTA-JOJO lahh ..
AFTER: WOW!! so sensual gituhh bibirnyaa ..
10. Yoon Eun Hye (Personnel: Baby VOX)
BEFORE: This photo narcissistic dikamar huh? cakepnya plasticity guns anyway, still less common Dian Sastro
AFTER: lhoo .. why so MELINDA />

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