
Dec 3, 2011

Know Your Ancestors Through Personal History

A nation made ​​up of tribes - tribes are united and become a large family named the nation. They are united by many things that become a challenge, responsibility and common enemy.

Children of the nation would not be able to go through - tough times in the course of national life, if they do not know the history of the tribe - the tribe, and nation. About his ancestors, his teachings, moral ties, beliefs, values ​​and culture that shape the character, nature, culture that keep them from the tribal system, social civilization.

The severity of tribal life, and the environment that shaped them is part of the formation of character and nature. Birth of rules - rules, norms - norms, beliefs and local wisdom. Is it good or doctrine called by the name of religion.

History is not a simple explanation of an event, occurrence, human origins, race, war, strife and murder. There are many reasons and terms associated with it and all relate to one another. view of one of them alone would eliminate and blur the core of history itself.

History broader than just history itself. Without an extensive explanation of what is told, written by sheet - the sheet ejection, tombs, palaces and fortresses - fortresses. S ejarah will experience a loss of value and a review of the events themselves. K-dimensional arena of history is to talk about all the things that explain the various perspectives that exist, such as the circle of life.

No one can understand the course of history if he put kepihakan blind to what is disturbing him, deals with what is believed, what is understood. If he explains the history without a heart and an open mind, be a history of only a tool, a tool to justify the wrong and turn right.

History is not an essentially disappeared, though a thousand vile attempt deflect the true incidence, because history will again repeat itself. History could be in unselect, replaced or modified. But a moment of history back again, back in its true form, namely the events. Events part of knowing the history. I a will drawn up, written and in t space, tracing back. Although history can be hidden, one day he will return to speak.

Many are talking about history, not a few they commented on the history, but few who understand history as a science broader than just an explanation of events, time, place and name. History also speaks of bitterness, rage period, strategic interests, influence, religion, culture and power. A history pakah able to explain everything? And assemble all the reasons and causes of events?.

Nation is living life in the course of history, as the ancestors of living in harmony and conflict. History also speaks about the seizure of the source - the source of life, but also introduces the history of how we share the source - the source for life and compromise in many ways.

Private ancestors can be identified and learned from history. Seeing blood kentalnya, salty sweat, willingness to sacrifice, the high ideals - ideals, strong desire, hard willingness, patience in suffering and tabahnya in stringing all hope, that's stored energy. Likewise with treason, destruction, war, strife, conflict. Since history as the two faces that run fore and also kebelakangan.

We will continue to learn history, learn about the hearts, minds and souls of ancestors. Learning how errors and goodness, look at the positive side in every action, and be - the heart of the dispute due to lack of knowledge and experience.

History is to know and how to trace the life blood, the blood of ancestors. Loving and put hearts and minds. That is history ... that's ancestors. The most valuable treasure on the left, in each stroke events and happenings. A gar children and grandchildren - granddaughter to learn from mistakes, and out of ignorance, the ancestors wrote it with a sheet - sheet events for the lesson, for us all. And j dreams and let history run deep in silence.


Plangnya wrote guns to take care,
Arif godate

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