
Nov 29, 2011

It's Mad World! One girl Compact Class For Pregnant

It was crazy! A total of 17 young women who are not yet pregnant with my 17-year compact.

They are still registered as a student at Gloucester High School (high school equivalent) in the state of Massachusetts, United States, run the idea of ​​fruit agreement that is pregnant at the same classmates.

Not only the officials and teachers, the parents did not understand what exactly you had in mind and the desire of the 17 young women.

Supposedly pregnant with my idea that originated from summer vacation, when I got home and started learning back in school 17 girls pregnant in mind simultaneously.

Unique and they are excited not just one school, seventeen girls aged less than 16 years, it is also one class!

Until now, local officials are still investigating how the age of 'the father' and who 'the father' that mengamili them. "Given the age of 'the father' is more than 20 years, then they could be sentenced to prison because the defendant had sex with minors," said a staffer at the school.

From the report that was revealed was pregnant with the intention of the to-17 students this is their plan Sedah. Even the almost unknown student in the class have agreed, but that really only 17 pregnant teenage daughter.

"I do not know what purpose, but from the results of pregnancy tests performed by the school, we find this sad phenomenon. Even some of the other girls there who expressed her disappointment because they failed to get pregnant, "said the school staff.

It could be this crazy idea against the background of events that often occur at Gloucester High School. The reason, each after school holidays, the school has always held a pregnancy test for all siswinya.

This is done because many siswinya recorded every year who could not attend school because of reasons beyond nikah.Namun 17 pregnant girls who are pregnant with this time is really surprising that the talk and mass media.

In Indonesia declared pregnant before marriage is still a disgrace. In most of the U.S., too. But for this sableng class, pregnant before marriage is considered trendy and cool.

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