
Nov 29, 2011

Brand Coffee Containing Chemicals

Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan menyita sekira 22 produk kopi dalam kemasan yang disinyalir mengandung Bahan Kimia Obat (BKO). Agency for Food and Drug Administration seized approximately 22 coffee products in packaging that allegedly contains Chemicals Drugs (BKO). Berikut nama-nama kopi yang dilarang beredar di pasaran karena berbahaya bagi kesehatan: Here are the names of the banned coffee on the market because it is dangerous to health:
1. 39 Sa Kao 3 in 1 Kopi Mix Plus Ekstra Jahe. 39 Sa Kao 3 in 1 Coffee Mix Plus Extra Ginger.
2. 39 Sa Kao Kopi Mix Ginseng Korea 3 in 1. 39 Sa Kao Korean Ginseng Coffee Mix 3 in 1.3. Bel-Bel Kopi Susu Extra produksi PT Mandala Cahaya Sentosa. Bel-Bel Milk Coffee Extra Light production of PT Mandala Sentosa.
4. Black Borneo Platinum Coffee produksi PT Victoabel Food Industry. Black Coffee production PT Borneo Platinum Victoabel Food Industry.
5. Dream Coffee produksi PT Mandala Cahaya Sentosa, Sidoarjo dan PT International Green Natural. Dream Coffee production PT Mandala of Light Sentosa, Sidoarjo and PT International Green Natural.
6. Dynamic Coffee/Dynamic Coffee Nusantara/Dynamic Tribulus Coffee produksi PT Daya Dinamika Nusantara dan PT Aimfood Indonesia. Dynamic Coffee / Dynamic Collection Coffee / Coffee Tribulus Dynamic Power Dynamics of production of PT Nusantara and PT Aimfood Indonesia.
7. Golden Life. Golden Life.
8. Good Coffee Premium/Good Coffee produksi PT Putra Gudti Indonesia dan CV Bin Halim. Good Coffee Premium / Good Coffee production Gudti PT Putra Bin Halim Indonesia and CV.
9. Herba Max Coffee distributor PT Solusky. Herba Max Coffee distributor PT Solusky.10. Jahe Mix Barokah SP. Mix ginger Barokah SP.
11. Jamoon Isntan Coffee produksi PT Green Nirmala, Sidoarjo. Coffee production Isntan Jamoon PT Green Nirmala, Sidoarjo.
12. Joss-Fly Coffee Plus Panax Ginseng produksi PT Mandala Cahaya Sentosa. Joss-Fly Plus Panax Ginseng Coffee production PT Mandala of Light Sentosa
13. Kopi Cleng Sehat, Nikmat, Berstamina produksi CV Jamu Moro Sehat, Banjarnegara. Coffee Cleng Healthy, delicious, stamina Moro Healthy Herbal CV production, Banjarnegara.
14. Kopi KPH/Kopi Kuat. KPH Coffee / Coffee Strong.
15. Kopi Mahabbah produksi PT Mandala dan Mahabbah Group. Coffee production Mahabbah PT Mandala and Mahabbah Group.
16. Kopi Pasutri produksi Al Jazira Herbal, Bekasi. Coffee production Couples Al Jazira Herbs, Jakarta.
17. Kopi Strong 234 produksi PT Hamiegi, Bandung. Strong coffee production 234 PT Hamiegi, Bandung.
18. Maca-Tekh produksi PT Wootekh, Jakarta. Maca-Tekh production Wootekh PT, Jakarta.
19. Matador Coffee. Matador Coffee.
20. Mawaddah Coffee. Mawaddah Coffee.
21. On Coffee. On Coffee.
22. Premium Energy Coffee. Premium Energy Coffee.

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